Staff Shortages Addressed

Staff shortages are a major challenge faced by the healthcare sector in the last few years, and nursing homes are especially hard hit. During the COVID-19 pandemic, care homes have depended on the dedication of hard-working staff to maintain a high level of care for residents, but shortages have resulted in fewer beds available for new clients.

At the Drew Nursing Home, there is space for up to 20 more residents, but not enough staff to tend to their daily needs. Despite a focused effort to hire and train more staff, retention is an issue in an environment where qualified, available candidates are few, and competition is fierce. Given the urgent need for bed space in Sackville, the Drew recently ramped up efforts to attract Licensed Practical Nurses and Resident Attendants.

Earlier this year, the Drew’s Executive Director, Linda Shannon, traveled with a team organized by the provincial government to recruit nurses in the Philippines. After interviewing many licensed nurses to evaluate their skills, their interest in immigrating to Canada, and their English-language proficiency, 20 candidates were identified as highly suitable for the Drew’s needs.

Following the process of applying for work visas, etc., it is expected that some of these nurses could begin to arrive as early as late spring. They will be hired as Resident Attendants and commit to two years employment at the Drew while they work on their Canadian nursing certifications.

This is welcome news for the community, as it means there will be back-up for vacationing staff, and the 20 empty spaces could begin to be filled as early as this summer.

The next hurdle is to find places for the nurses to live as they arrive in Sackville. Because of the severe shortage of rental accommodations, a decision was taken by the Drew’s Board of Directors to assist in the short term by increasing the number of cottage spaces available to staff from one apartment to three. Apartments, furnished with multiple beds, will be available for up to six months, with the first month’s rent free, giving the newcomers time to settle in and look for more permanent housing.

Board members and staff are always focused on making the Drew a welcoming place for residents and their families to call home, and we will extend that hospitality to our new co-workers. We also rely on the friendliness and support of the Sackville community to help the new arrivals feel welcome in town.

We especially look forward to providing relief to our hard-working staff after the challenges of the last few years, and to making more space available to local families and their loved ones.

For more information, please contact Linda Shannon at